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Trader Trainees

Our current group of trader trainees are educated extensively under our experienced senior traders to learn not only about the lumber industry and the ever changing market, but how to be a successful and reliable partner for both their mills and their customers. They learn from and grow with the best in the industry while crafting their own unique styles that seamlessly cater to you and your business' needs. 

Rookie Team

Joshua Hutchinson

Trader Trainee

Joshua joined RIFP fresh out of Virginia Tech in 2022, and immediately loved the ability to develop long lasting partnerships and friendships with customers. Everyday we can count on him to bring his love of hard work to everything he does. When Joshua is not in the office you can find him fishing, golfing, or watching or playing hockey.

Rookie Team

Dylan Forlines

Trader Trainee

Dylan joined RIFP at the beginning of 2023 and was immediately drawn to the familial closeness of our team after working in the transportation industry for 5 years. Every day we can count on Dylan to bring a positive attitude and a go getter mind set to any challenges that arise. When he is not in the office you can usually find him spending time with family, sitting by the bay or playing/watching sports. 

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Ben Wallace

Trader Trainee

Ben joined our team here at RIFP in 2023 and was immediately attracted to the industry. The ability to forge strong relationships with teammates and industry professionals is a rare and incredible opportunity that Ben just couldn't pass on. In addition to his keen interpersonal skills, Ben exclaims that a good pen, notebook, calculator, and his air pods leads to a successful day here at RIFP. Beyond the office, Ben is a talented music producer and can often be found in his studio writing the next big hits. 

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Jonathan Leech

Trader Trainee

Jonathan joined RIFP over the summer of 2023, and was drawn to our good people who he enjoys working with. He had never heard of this line of work until he found Richmond international, and fell in love. We count on him to I bring a positive attitude and the goals I have set for myself to become a successful trader. When he isn't in the office, you can catch him on a golf course with friends, or on the water with a cold beer. 

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Ethan Cochran

Trader Trainee

Ethan joined RIFP in the summer of 2023 because of an opportunity to be challenged, meet new people, and learn something new every day. Every morning we can count on him to bring a great attitude and effort in hopes to be a valued partner to his teammates in the office and customers across the country. When Ethan is not in the office you can usually find him on the golf course, or catching a college football game in the fall.

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Kyle Cochran

Trader Trainee

Kyle joined the RIFP team in the summer of 2023, and was drawn to the energy on the trading floor and family-like environment. Every day, he brings a blend of dedication, creativity, and a problem-solving mindset to work. Kyle's commitment to excellence drives him to consistently deliver high-quality results for his customers. When not in the office he can be found Golfing, Skiing, and coaching wrestling.

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